Vaping Possibly linked to Illnesses and Deaths

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5 Deaths possibly linked to Vaping and 450 Illnesses Nationwide

U.S. health officials renewed calls for people to avoid vaping until they figure out why some users are suffering serious breathing illnesses. Da Lin reports. (9-6-19)


U.S. health authorities on Friday said two Americans had died from lung illness that were possibly tied to vaping, bringing the total count of such deaths to three as officials probe whether a “cluster” of lung illnesses are linked to e-cigarette use.


Patient dies from severe respiratory illness, possibly from vaping

An Illinois patient died from a respiratory illness that could have been caused from using e-cigarettes and/or vaping.

E-cigarette explodes, rips away chunk of Cordova man’s face, breaks some teeth, lawsuit says

E-cigarettes use batteries to heat a nicotine liquid and produce a vapor. Lithium batteries in e-cigarettes can cause the devices to explode. The explosions are rare, but can lead to catastrophic injury or even death. Separately, the surgeon general’s office is campaigning to stop young people from using the popular e-cigarette devices, citing addiction and other health risks.

Twenty-five-year-old David Bishop of Cordova was at home one morning last year when he decided to use an e-cigarette before going to work. He placed the device to his lips and pressed a button to start vaping.

Suddenly, a lithium battery inside the device exploded, a lawsuit alleges. The blast blew pieces of the e-cigarette into the man’s face, breaking several teeth.

And the blast ripped away a chunk of flesh, from his upper lip through his lower left cheek, the legal filing says.

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