Twitter Could Be Sued for Double Standards

Here Are Twitter’s Latest Excuses as to Why It Lets Donald Trump Break Its Rules Constantly

Twitter is never, ever going to ban Donald Trump for reasons ranging from the self-apparent (he’s the president, and a conspiracy-obsessed one at that) to perhaps the cynical (whether or not his incessant tweeting helps the company’s bottom line).

Donald Trump routinely violates Twitters Rules & Terms of Service. It seems to me that Twitter could be class action sued for millions by people who’s accounts were banned for things they allow Trump to get away with.

Also, since they are giving Trump preferential treatment and failing to enforce their TOS on him, it seems people who has been slandered and defamed by Trump could sue Twitter for his abusive & defamatory tweets.

Trump has the largest reach of anyone in the world, therefore, IMO his abusive, defamatory & slanderous comments carries the maximum about of weight and liability. Therefore, it seems those who he has defamed & slandered should be able to sue him for everything he’s got. If he used twitter, since they are allowing him to engage in abusive conduct unchecked, & is failing to enforce their TOS on him, they should be included in the lawsuit.

I’m surprised this isn’t being discussed more and lawsuits hasn’t been already filed (to my knowledge).



What’s next in Devin Nunes’ lawsuit against Twitter, fake cow?

Rep. Devin Nunes’ lawsuit against Twitter is moving forward in Virginia, but expect more legal challenges to unfold before the California Republican gets a chance to make his case in a courtroom. Two of the defendants – Twitter and Republican political strategist Liz Mair – on Monday said they intend to continue fighting Nunes’ lawsuit in Virginia’s Henrico County Circuit Court.


Per the above article about Congressional Representative Devin Nunes’ lawsuit against twitter;

“Judge John Marshall dealt Twitter a setback when he rejected the company’s argument that Nunes had no grounds to sue the San Francisco social media company in Virginia. Twitter argued the case had to be tried in a California court.

After Marshall’s ruling, a Twitter spokesman in a written statement said the company “continues to dispute the claims raised by Congressman Nunes. We enforce the Twitter Rules impartially for all users, regardless of their background or political affiliation. We are constantly working to improve our systems and will continue to be transparent in our efforts.”

In my opinion, the above statement made by Twitter that they enforce Twitter Rules impartially for all users is a bombshell FALSE statement. President Donald Trump routinely violates Twitter’s Terms of Service, yet they give him preferential treatment by not banning his account. Giving him preferential treatment is unfair to all other twitter users.

It seems to me that Twitter could & should be class action sued for for everything they’ve got by people who’s accounts they banned for things they allow Trump to get away with.

California Judge Rules Twitter CAN Be Sued for Falsely Advertising Free Speech

A California judge has ruled that Twitter’s policy of banning users “at any time, for any reason or for no reason” may constitute an “unconscionable contract”, and that a lawsuit against the company brought by self-described “white advocate” Jared Taylor may proceed on that basis.


Per the above article, a “California Judge Rules Twitter CAN Be Sued for Falsely Advertising Free Speech. Twitter’s policy of banning users “at any time, for any reason or for no reason” may constitute an “unconscionable contract”, and that a lawsuit against the company brought by self-described “white advocate” Jared Taylor may proceed on that basis”.


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