Tag: ineligible to participate in Twitter Ads
Twitter Advertising Sucks
I tried running ads on twitter in several niches and received very few clicks and no sales.
First of all, the PPC bids to get your ad seen are very expensive and your reach is determined by how much you bid. When your determining how much to bid they have text advising you that other people have bid between $1.68 and $6 a click on average. For $1.00 a click you get a reach of about 100 or less people seeing your ad. That is way to much to make a profit on most products like t-shirts, etc.
What really sucks about advertising on twitter is the ads are actually paid tweets which anyone who don’t like your ad can reply to and post negative comment tweets about your ad or products. Their tweet / comments appears right by your paid tweet ads, and you can’t delete those comment / tweets.
There is no other advertising platform I know of that allows negative comments which can’t be deleted right by your ad.
After running ads for about a month with no success, twitter terminated my account and refused to give any reason. Since twitter’s ads didn’t produce any results it was no great loss having my account closed, but it does demonstrate a total lack of professionalism by the Twitter staff and management.
I began advertising on the internet around 2008 with companies such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Facebook and never had any problems like I encounter with twitter.
Other reputable companies such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Facebook gives you a warning if they don’t feel your ad complies with their advertising policies and they give you the opportunity to make a correction.
Complaints has been filed to the Better Business Bureau in San Francisco and the United States Federal Trade Commission.
Closing someone’s account before giving any warning or explanation of why such action was taken is unfair and unreasonable.
I think this demands a legal response so I’m therefore seeking an attorney to sue Twitter. If you are an attorney who may be interested in this case, or know of any attorney who may be interested please contact me.
I also noticed on the BBB site that there are many other unresolved complaints about Twitter terminating people’s account with no explanation and yet the BBB is giving Twitter an A+ rating.
BBB claims they don’t endorse twitter. Seems to me that BBB is endorsing twitter by advertising their @ twitter account on the front page of BBB’s site and on Twitter’s site.
This seems like a conflict of interest.
It’s my personal opinion that Twitter’s A+ rating is based upon the BBB’s staff personally using & liking twitter but not on the merits of twitter’s treatment to their customers.
Twitter terminating accounts without giving any warning or reason and with so many unresolved complaints, there is no way Twitter deserves a A+ rating.
As shown in this 20/20 investigation report, the BBB’s rating system is flawed
Twitter is useless for Small Businesses
So, I have been using twitter for over a year now and I was getting all stressed out about Twitter filtering me from search (where your tweets cannot be found by others).
Per the above article: “So, I have been using twitter for over a year now and I was getting all stressed out about Twitter filtering me from search (where your tweets cannot be found by others).
This is actually something that started about 6 months ago but #twitter @support? is non-existent. And after multiple attempts at following their help and repeated attempts to get help from Twitter I realized this was futile.
This got me thinking why I was on Twitter in the first place. For those of you that don’t use it or are just new to Twitter it is like text messaging where anyone with an account can read it. I did a full review of all of the websites I manage, some of them have significant traffic for sites that target small communities. Not only were the results un-impressive, they were nearly non-existent in most cases. Sure there was the odd interaction with a potential client, but in many of those cases they were aware of the site already and just happen to choose that method of contacting us.
Tweets have their use, but most of the content is superficial or 300 messages citing the same news headline. I find that people often do not respond when you mention them, and conversations are difficult to have because of the short/broken sentences and long delays. Twitter is happy to let our competitors spam their generic country wide non-sense but blocked us because were a small local business.
- Twitter Support sucks (or simply doesn’t exist)
- An extremely small percentage of people look for local content even if they “follow” you.
It can be difficult to have a 2 way conversation with someone, people forget to check when they are mentioned, conversations are broken or confused easily. - Twitter may block your messages from search so you are talking to a wall when you think you are speaking to the world.
8/8/21 UPDATE: Out of the blue, I received an email from Twitter saying one of the accounts I own would be “ineligible to participate in Twitter Ads” when I didn’t even REQUEST to place an ad with those assholes.
“@xxxxxxxxx, your account is ineligible to participate in Twitter Ads. A user associated with your account is ineligible to participate in the Twitter Ads program at this time”.
I didn’t request advertising on twitter nor would I even CONSIDER advertising on twitter. IMO, it’s the worst advertising platform on the internet. I barely use Twitter and have pretty much STOPPED using it.
Unless your a high profile celebrity with millions of followers, it’s almost impossible to get enough followers so your tweets are seen and have any impact. It’s a total waste of time posting ANY “Tweets” on this FUCKED-UP, USELESS, social media platform! It’s even WORSE since Elon Musk bought it.
How Many Users Does Twitter Have? (Jul 2023)
Twitter currently has 353.90 million users worldwide it’s expected to increase over the next few years. Learn more about Twitter’s user base here.
And with only 350 million users, it’s one of the SMALLEST. Just goes to show what a DUMB ASS Elon Musk is… paying 44 BILLION for one of the smallest, most USELESS social media platforms!
10 Reasons You Should Stop Using Twitter
10 Reasons You Should Stop Using Twitter
10 startling reasons why you should stop using Twitter. What you don’t know about Twitter could hurt you.
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