Schools & Universities
Electric Shock Torture at Judge Rotenberg Center
When you watch the above video showing an autistic teenager being Shocked with Electricity, you can see he’s experiencing SEVERE PAIN.
The definition of Torture is; “the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something“.
It is CLEAR… the extreme agony caused by ELECTRIC SHOCK PUNISHMENT administered by staff at the Judge Rotenberg Center fits the definition of Torture AND Cruel & Unusual Punishment.
‘It’s torture’: critics step up bid to stop US school using electric shocks on children
he world’s only known school for children and young adults with special needs that inflicts electric shocks to control their behavior is facing international pressure to have the controversial practice banned. For almost three decades the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Massachusetts, outside Boston, has been zapping many of its special-needs residents with a custom-designed electric shock machine known as the GED.
Facts about Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, MA (according to various referenced articles)
– There have been at least 6 deaths at the school (details…)
– The school makes $52 million annually (details…)
– More than 240 students are at the school, and about 80 receive shocks (details…)
– A student can receive up to 5,000 shocks a day (stated in this article; (details…)
– The voltage used is up to 45.5 milliamps of electricity— over 15 times more powerful than stun belts used on incarcerated adults that deliver shocks of 3 to 4 milliamps (details…)
– JRC is the only place in the United States which uses painful electric shocks. The punishment is used on 1 in 5 of its residents, who live in group homes scattered near the center in Canton, Mass. and attend school or workshops
– JRC has been allowed to conduct its shock “therapy” for more than 40 years (details…)
– The United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture condemned the Judge Rotenberg Center and determined that the rights of the center’s students who were subjected to electric shock and physical means of restraints had been “violated under the UN Convention against Torture and other international standards (details…)
I’m the parent of a mildly Autistic child. I received a petition on Apr 21, 2018 titled “FDA: Ban Torture of People with Disabilities“, demanding torture at Judge Rotenberg Center be stopped. Seeing an autistic boy close to my son’s age being tortured… screaming for help while no one helped or did anything to end the torture, enraged me. I had no idea such abuse existed in this day and age.
Click here to view the petition
This is the type of barbaric tactics you’d expect to see in a Nazi Germany concentration camp during WW II, not in the United States in the 2000’s.
According to posts on the internet, students / patients at this Institute of Horrors have been Shocked for hugging staff, swearing, nagging, getting out of seat before asking to stand up, taking off a coat, moaning, screaming, tensing up, closing eyes or raising hand… up to 30 times or more… with electric shocks more powerful than tasers.
I was not aware until I received this petition that in the United States… it’s illegal to torture prisoners and animals, but not disabled people.
My autistic son is 14. There is no way in HELL I would allow anyone to torture my son the way I have seen a boy being tortured in the video I found linked to the petition I received (copy of video posted above).
I know from first-hand experience how painful an electric shock can be. I began tinkering with electronics when I was 5 and got zapped quite a few times. The pain was more intense than any other pain I have ever experienced.
Patients who were shocked at Judge Rotenberg Center stated they would rather DIE, than experience the pain.
Doing some research, I found since at least 2012, there have been numerous articles, news segments, videos, petitions and demonstrations demanding Eletro-Shock TORTURE be banned at Judge Rotenberg Center and NOTHING has been done about it.
A petition in 2012 received over 269,000 signatures and was ignored. The petition I signed to the FDA has received over 288,072 signatures.
Gregory Miller who used to work at the Judge Rotenberg Center (and can be seen in the video at the top of this page) stated in a petition he created in 2012;
“We used powerfully painful electric shock devices (45 – 91 milliamps, at 66 volts) on students to control their behaviors. These devices are much stronger than police stun guns (1-4 milliamps). Unlike stun guns, the electrodes most commonly used at school are spaced 3 – 4 inches apart so that the electrical volts passing through the flesh create the maximum amount of pain with those amps and volts. The United Nations is aware of JRC, has called these shocks at JRC “torture”, and says that “The prohibition of torture is absolute.”
“Rather than shocking students for only severe behaviors, JRC also shocks students for minor behaviors, such as closing eyes for 15 seconds while sitting at the desk, pulling apart a loose piece of thread, tearing an empty used paper cup, going to the bathroom in one’s clothes after signing that they need to use the bathroom for over two hours, standing up and raising a hand to ask to go to the bathroom, blowing small bubbles in saliva between one’s lips, and shocking a non-verbal nearly blind girl with cerebral palsy for making a moaning sound and for attempts to hold a staff’s hand (her attempts to communicate and to be loved)”.
Click here to view the petition
It’s impossible to understand why elected and non-elected officials have allowed this inhumane activity to continue (other than if they’re paid off), when the public wants the TORTURE AT JRC TO END.
This is a prime example of Government Officials who are suppose to be “Public Servants” ignoring the voice of the people, proving they don’t give a damn what the people they are supposed to be serving want.
Judge Rotenberg Center uses lobbyists so I can’t help but wonder if politicians and those who could stop the torture are being PAID OFF and told to do nothing. This link shows their history of money paid out to lobbyists since 2010.
Judge Rotenberg Center lobbies against seclusion and restraint bill
The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) is a special needs school which employs controversial behavior modification techiniques, including electric shock. The JRC has been the focus of much criticism for this practice, which is illegal in many (possibly most) states. Even its home state of Massachusetts has made, and continues to make, efforts to curb this…
The above article states, “Judge Rotenberg Center lobbies against seclusion and restraint bill” and has paid $16,500 to Malkin & Ross, a New York-based lobbying firm, according to lobbying reports filed with the secretary of the Senate. You can find more articles like this by searching for “Judge Rotenberg Center lobbyists”.
According to an article in Time Magazine “Where Is the Evidence that Abuse Helps Treat Autism?“, the article states “JRC has been allowed to conduct its shock “therapy” for more than four decades (40 years), with little more than anecdotes to support its effectiveness”.
A Washington Post Article stated that “JRC is the only place in the country that uses painful electric shocks”. The treatment is used on 1 in 5 of its residents, who live in group homes scattered near the center in Canton, Mass. and attend school or workshops”.
The Shocking Truth,” by Paul Kix, which appeared in Boston Magazine in 2008, describes the use of these shock aversives to punish a young girl with cerebral palsy for moaning and reaching for a staff member’s hand and as a consequence for another child who closed his eyes for more than five seconds.
Per this article “The United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture condemned the Judge Rotenberg Center and determined that the rights of the center’s students who were subjected to electric shock and physical means of restraints had been “violated under the UN Convention against Torture and other international standards.” Also, restraining students in a facedown “prone” position to prevent them from removing the GED pack jeopardizes their physical safety, and, outside of Massachusetts, several states have banned the use of such prone facedown restraints”. Autism Shock Therapy Practiced in the United States is Torture, says a UN Official.
An article published on April 12, 2012 at stated; “Senate President Therese Murray is calling on voters to contact House lawmakers blocking the ban on shock therapy. She is outraged that for years the Senate has unanimously supported a ban, but the House has refused to take it up” meaning the Massachusetts House Speaker Robert DeLeo is responsible for blocking efforts to end Electric Shock Punishment Torture at JRC.
The article states; “he (Speaker Robert DeLeo) understands the horrors of watching the video of Andre McCollins being shocked at the Judge Rotenberg Center thirty times, but the Speaker is still signaling support for the Judge Rotenberg Center”.
Massachusetts Senate President Therese Murray described why she is so passionate against this procedure to us today. She says, “This is painful. The UN has come out and said that this is torture. How do we torture people who are disabled, who have a mental illness or are having psychotic episodes? It’s just wrong.” She says it’s time for the full legislature to take action”.
The FDA Still Allows Shock “Therapy” For Disabled Kids, These People Want To Change That
In 2018 it is still legal to subject children and adults with disabilities to electric shock. It’s a horrific human rights abuse, and for the past 12 days, members of ADAPT, a national grassroots group of disability rights activists, have been…
According to the article above, as of Mar 23, 2018 is it still legal to subject children and adults with disabilities to electric shock.
I think ANYONE who defends or condones Judge Rotenberg Center use of Electric Shocks on autistic & disabled people should allow themselves to get hooked up and shocked up to 30 times at maximum strength, THEN let’s see if they STILL defend JRC’s methods and if they think it isn’t torture.
If it were discovered that personnel in our government engaged in interrogation tactics using the same Electric Shock methods as those at the Judge Rotenberg Center, there would be a HUGE outcry about it and those responsible would likely be prosecuted and imprisoned.
The fact that such tactics ARE illegal makes it all the more of an outrage that government officials has turned a blind eye and done NOTHING to stop this abuse.
How can ANYONE in a position of power in Massachusetts look at the videos which have been posted on Youtube since 2012 and not feel outrage?
How could those in a positions of power allow abuse & torture of human beings to continue for over 40 years?
Why do those who could end this TORTURE not take IMMEDIATE action and do what ever it takes to help people seen in these video screaming for help from the pain they are enduring & DO NOTHING & allow the pain and suffering to continue, day after day… year after year?
– Contact the office of the FDA Commissioner at (301) 796-5000
Tell them what you think about the videos on this page showing people being tortured with electric shocks. Tell them to visit this page and view the videos for themselves –
– Send tweets (and letters) to the FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb at @SGottliebFDA and the FDA at @US_FDA & #FDA
Mr. Scott Gottlieb
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993
FAX: 301-443-2143
Twitter: @SGottliebFDA
Twitter: @US_FDA
Twitter: #FDA
NOTE: You can fax letters from your computer using these free services;
United States Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530
Since Torture AND Cruel & Unusual Punishment are supposed to be illegal in the United States, I’m filing a complaint to the United States Department of Justice referencing the petition & videos posted on this page at
You can also file complaints to the United States Department of Justice.
– Send tweets, letters and call the Massachusetts Governor, Charlie Baker.
Governor Charlie Baker
State House, Room 360
Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 725-4005
Fax: 617/727-9725
Twitter: @MassGovernor
NOTE: On April 25, 2018 I sent a letter asking Governor Charlie Baker; “Will you take action to put an END to the torture which has been occurring in your State for over 40 years?”
As of today’s date [current_date format=’F d, Y’], Mr. Baker has not responded.
– Send tweets to the following Massachusetts Senators / House Reps
Senator Harriette Chandler
President of the Massachusetts Senate
Capitol 24 Beacon Street, Room 333
Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617-722-1544
Fax: 617-722-1357
Twitter: @Sen_Chandler
Senator Marc R. Pacheco
President Pro Tempore of the Massachusetts State Senate
Capitol 24 Beacon Street, Room 312B
Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617-722-1551
Fax: 617-722-1074
Twitter: @MarcRPacheco
Senator Bruce E. Tarr
Minority leader of the Massachusetts Senate
Capitol 24 Beacon Street, Room 308
Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617-722-1600
Fax: 617-722-1310
Twitter: @SenBruceTarr
Representative Robert A. DeLeo
Use MyLegislature to follow bills, hearings, and legislators that interest you.
*Representative Robert A. DeLeo
Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives,
24 Beacon Street, Room 356
Boston, MA, 02133
Phone: 617-722-2500
Fax: 617-570-5705
Twitter: @SpeakerDeLeo
According to posts I found on the internet and the video at the top of this page, the MA House of Representatives led by House Speaker Robert DeLeo has repeatedly stopped attempts to make Electric Shock Torture Illegal.
An article published on April 12, 2012 at confirms the claims… it states “he understands the horrors of watching the video of Andre McCollins being shocked at the Judge Rotenberg Center thirty times, but the Speaker is still signaling support for the Judge Rotenberg Center”.
On April 30, 2018 I faxed a letter to Mr. DeLeo and stated:
“I’m writing to you to give you the opportunity to explain why you have repeatedly stopped attempts to end Electric Shock Punishment at Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, MA. Your response or lack of response will be so noted in the article”.
As of today’s date [current_date format=’F d, Y’], Mr. DeLeo has not responded.
In my opinion, any “public servant” politician who refuses to do what the citizens (who pay their salaries) want is UNFIT to serve in ANY position in government.
I think DeLeo should be VOTED OUT OF OFFICE and ads should be ran exposing how Mr DeLeo has blocked efforts for years, to end shock punishment at JRC.
Call, send tweets and fax letters asking Mr. DeLeo why he’s BLOCKED all efforts to end Electric Shock Torture at Judge Rotenberg Center.
Websites which shows where Robert A. DeLeo’s Campaign Contributions are coming from;
Disabled Persons Protection Commission
I found an agency in Massachusetts called The Disabled Persons Protection Commission. It seems after all these years and all of the exposure JRC has gotten, The Disabled Persons Protection Commission should have taken action to stop Judge Rotenberg Center from perpetrating Electro-Shock Torture Punishment against Disabled and Autistic persons.
On May 1, 2018 I faxed a letter to The Disabled Persons Protection Commission about this matter. As of today’s date [current_date format=’F d, Y’], The Disabled Persons Protection Commission has not responded.
If you’d like to contact them about this matter, here’s their contact info;
The Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC)
300 Granite Street, Suite 404
Braintree, MA 02184
Phone: 617-727-6465
888-822-0350 V/TTY
Fax: 617-727-6469
List Of All Massachusetts Legislators Email Addresses – Click here to view list
Send Tweets to MSNBC & CNN Personalities such as;
@AMJoy @JoyAnnReid #AMJoy #JoyAnnReid @chrislhayes #chrislhayes @TheLastWord #TheLastWord @maddow @RachelMaddow #maddow #RachelMaddow @andersoncooper @AC360 #andersoncooper #ac360 @DrewGriffinCNN #DrewGriffinCNN Email: dr**********@cn*.com , Dr. Sanjay Gupta @drsanjaygupta @SanjayGuptaCNN #drsanjaygupta #SanjayGuptaCNN
The only thing which will put a stop to the torture is for people to make lots of noise about this and NEVER let up until the torture is banned.
Greg Miller, who was staff member at Judge Rotenberg Center and appears in the video posted at the top of this page posted this article on Youtube about his experiences;
“I worked at JRC for three years, under the mistake of thinking that some students’ behaviors were so severe that they needed GED-shocks, even to the point of causing my students bloody and scabby burns with the GED-shock devices. The truth is that the students at the JRC are NOT unique to the rest of the world. Other people with similar disabilities of equal severity exist all around the world, yet JRC is the only place that specializes in pain and torture. (Yes, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture has studied the methods used at the JRC and has called the methods violations of the United Nations Bill of Human Rights treaty), meaning that the USA is violating world-wide treaty agreements to which we agreed right after World War II, by allowing the JRC to continue using its shocks and restraints.
After leaving JRC, I worked at another school serving students with very similar severe behaviors as the lower functioning students at JRC. The other school used NO pain, no drugs, no punishment & rewards model. Yet we saw major improvements in behaviors by providing truly positive approaches. JRC claims to try positive approaches with their students prior to getting court approval to use GED-shocks on its students. I worked extensively with these students receiving JRC’s so-called positive methods, and they were nothing more than an application of their punishments and rewards model to earn them dried fruit, sesame seeds, or the right to put one’s head down to rest on the hard table for a few minutes, or to play video games for a few minutes, and so on. That would have never worked either in the other school where I worked that used true positive methods.
The point is that other methods exist and are used around the world for the same types of severe behaviors and that do not require the shocks, or extensive use of restraints, to control student behaviors. There is no valid “other side” to JRC’s arguments. Prior to using electric shocks, JRC and its founder used hitting, slapping, repeated pinching with long thumbnails grown out, ammonia salts up the nose to create the sensation of suffocation, extremely hot pepper in the mouth to cause burning, among other methods even more severe, and which caused terrible bruising and even open wounds, according to staff who protested the abuse back then. The matter of fact is that the founder of JRC was a sadist who got away with getting paid $220,000 per year per student to enjoy himself. I believe that the reason why parents of students still at JRC are advocating for that school is 1)
They have not seen on video THEIR child getting “treated” as Andre McCollins was “treated” as seen above (yet is the norm for many students, minus landing in a catatonic state in the hospital); and 2)There is an awful deficit in the field of mental health care where poor quality schools rely on psychiatric drugs to control student behaviors (as chemical restraints) rather than learning and providing effective teaching and management techniques. There is much profit to be made in some of these schools and group homes, at the expense of failing to actually provide what the students need. Students arrived at JRC after their parents put them in several very poor programs, which created a desperation in these parents on which JRC was very ready to make profit.
Please do not spread any more “other side of the story” messages because saying that the students at JRC are somehow unique in this world and therefore deserve to be tortured is simply erroneous and misleading”.
Drawing from one of the students at Judge Rotenberg Center shows her opinion of the shock therapy abuse she endured: “They did this to many, many students while I was there. I watched them suffer too.”
Per the articles on the internet “The students wear a backpack for up to 24 hours a day that has the GED device with electrodes attached to it”.
Autistic woman sues education centre for electric shock therapy
Jennifer Msumba suing Judge Rotenberg Center following shock therapy Centre says it uses treatment to stop aggressive or self-harming behaviour School came under scrutiny two years ago when video emerged showing teenage boy being tied up and given 31 electric shocks A former student at a controversial special needs school is suing the center after she was given painful electrical shocks in a bid to alter her behaviour.
Extended interview with Jennifer Msumba who was shocked repeatedly by staff at Judge Rotenberg Center
Anna Werner interviews Jennifer Msumba, a former student at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Mass. Ms. Msumba talks about what it was like inside the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Mass
Msumba is suing JRC and testified before the FDA that shock devices should be banned.
Almost ten years after Andre McCollins was restrained facedown for seven hours and shocked 31 times over that interval while attending the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center (JRC) in Canton, Massachusetts, a lawsuit was filed by Andre McCollins’s mother, Cheryl McCollins against the program and some of its most important staff for abuses. The case is called “McCollins guardian v. Von Heyn et al”.
The above 11 part videos and article below gives details about the case.
The Judge Rotenberg Center on Trial, Part One – Autistic Self Advocacy Network
by Shain NeumeierAlmost ten years after Andre McCollins was restrained facedown for seven hours and shocked 31 times over that interval while attending the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center (JRC) in Canton, Massachusetts, the lawsuit against the program and some of its most important staff for these abuses, McCollins guardian v….
FDA Bans Shock Device Used On Patients At Judge Rotenberg Center In Canton
CBS Boston WASHINGTON (AP) – Federal officials on Wednesday banned electrical shock devices used to discourage aggressive, self-harming behavior in patients with mental disabilities. The announcement from the Food and Drug Administration follows years of pressure from disability rights groups and mental health experts who have called the treatment outdated, ineffective and unethical.
March 2020 UPDATE: On March 9, 2020 the FDA Banned Shock Device Used On Patients At Judge Rotenberg Center In Canton
School wins legal battle to electric shock children to ‘correct behaviour’
A federal court of appeals ruled on Tuesday that a Massachusetts school for children with disabilities can continue administering electric shocks to its students. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had previously banned the electric shock treatment used at the Judge Rotenberg Center, Canton.
July 08, 2021 UPDATE: The Judge Rotenberg Center for children filed a LAWSUIT to overturn the FDA’S ban. A Federal Court of Appeals ruled that this “school” for children with disabilities can continue TORTURING students with Electric Shocks.
This is just another example of why the UNITED STATES SUCKS! This barbaric form of TORTURE is banned in every other country on this planet, but NOT HERE. Although it hasn’t been used in years, the United States STILL has laws on the books allowing ELECTROCUTIONS for the Death Penalty, where people have been literally BURNT ALIVE with electricity… worse than how they used to burn people alive at stakes. Again, the last country on this planet where such unspeakable, barbaric punishment is legal.
There have been several petitions signed by thousand of people demanding torture at Judge Rotenberg Center be banned.
Sign the Petition
At a “special needs school” in Canton, Massachusetts, children and teenagers with autism and other disabilities are being administered electric shocks as a means of controlling their behaviors. As a former Teacher’s Assistant, I regret having participated firsthand at this school – The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC).
The above petition created in 2012 received 269,762 signatures
Sign the Petition
The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) in Canton, Massachusetts is a “treatment center” that uses their own, non-FDA approved electric shock devices on disabled people, primarily autistic people with and without intellectual disabilities, as a way of controlling their behavior. Children and adults at the JRC wear shock devices all day and staff of the facility deliver painful electric shocks remotely.
The above petition created in 2018 has received over 267,223 signatures
UN Calls Shock Treatment at Mass. School ‘Torture’
The Boston-area’s Judge Rotenberg Center educates and treats children ages three to adult, all of whom are struggling with severe emotional, behavior, and psychiatric problems, including autism-like disorders. And for about half of the 250 students here, undesirable behavior means getting hooked up to a special machine and administered an electric shock.
Advocates hope FDA will ban electric shock devices used at Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton
The Judge Rotenberg Educational Center (JRC), a special needs day and residential school in Canton, has been widely criticized for its use of electric shocks on students. In April, the FDA proposed banning “electrical stimulation devices used to treat self-injurious or aggressive behavior.”
New York to pull students from the Judge Rotenberg Center?
The press release below was just forwarded to me. New York City Councilmember Vincent Gentile is calling for students from the city (roughly 1/2 of the total) at the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) to be pulled from the school. The JRC is facing other pressures, including losing medicaid funding for students in their care.
Abuse is Not the Answer: Shut Down the Judge Rotenberg Center
In October, the national disability advocacy organization ADAPT organized a protest in front of the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Mass. over the center’s use of aversive electric skin shocks on students in its care. More than 100 people came out to demand that the center stop the practice.
ADAPT Demands the FDA to Stop Shocking Disabled People into Submission
03/09/18 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – ACTION HAPPENING NOW For More Information: Mike Oxford: (785) 224-3865 Cal Montgomery: (312) 813-6816 (text only) Priya Penner: (585) 944-3086 Marilee Adamski-Smith: (715) 204-4152 WHO: National ADAPT WHAT: ADAPT Demands the FDA to Stop Shocking Disabled People into Submission WHERE: In front of FDA Director Scott Gottlieb’s house, Pennsylvania Ave NW & L St NW, Washington DC 20037 WHEN: Friday, March 9, 2018, happening now DISABILITY RIGHTS GROUP DEMANDS THE FDA ISSUE LONG-DELAYED REGULATIONS 03/09/2018 – Washington, D.C.
Taser shock disrupts brain function, has implications for police interrogations
In a randomized control trial, volunteer participants were subjected to Taser shocks and tested for cognitive impairment. Some showed short-term declines in cognitive functioning comparable to dementia, raising serious questions about the ability of police suspects to understand their rights at the point of arrest.
Founder Forced To Leave Controversial Special Needs School
The psychologist who founded a controversial center for treating children and adults with difficult behavioral problems has been ordered to resign. Prosecutors accused Matthew Israel of interfering with an investigation of the Judge Rotenberg Center. The center, based in Canton, is one of the only institutions in the country that uses skin shock treatments to control behavior.
Autistic hoya’s Page about Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Mass – (NOTE: is no longer active but you can still view it by clicking this link )
Facebook page for OccupyJRC;
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