Moving, Storage & Shipping

Public Storage Failing to Confirm Move Outs

Public Storage failed to confirm our moving out a week before the end of the month and failed to cancel next months bill being due, despite numerous calls

We’ve been renting a Storage Shed from Neighborhood Storage for the past 10 years for inventory items which my wife was selling on Ebay. She stopped selling on ebay about 4 years ago.

In January, 2020 the monthly rate was 106.47

By June of 2022, the monthly rate was 127.91

In September of 2022, the monthly rate was 139.60

On 12/25/22 we received notification that Public Storage bought Neighborhood Storage and they demanded we sign their rental paperwork and agree to their terms.

Public Storage increased the rate to 143.60 for the following month of February 2023.

The rate remained at 143.60 until I got an email in July 2023 advising us they would be raising the rate to $183.27. due Aug 2, 2023. That was the last straw.


On Saturday July 22, 2023, we removed all of the contents from storage unit located at 310 NE 25th Ave, Ocala, FL 34470. We swept and cleaned the unit, then called (352) 505-2325 and told them we moved out. They said they would notify the property manager and we told them we wanted confirmation of our having moved out and next month’s bill for $183.27 due on August to be cancelled.

Monday came and went without confirmation so we called again on Tuesday July 25, 2023 and told them again that we moved out. Also asked again for confirmation & next month’s bill be cancelled. They said they would ask the Property Manager to send it, but he/she NEVER did.


Public Storage has buttons and links all over their site for renting units and making payments but NONE, for moving out. I did a search on google for info on how to close a PS account and found a link to a move out button on Public Storage site. I clicked it 4 times indicating we vacated on Tuesday July 25, 2023. Above is confirmation of my move-out shown in my account.

On Wednesday July 26, 2023, we called them again and told them we still hadn’t received an email or any confirmation indicating that our shed had been vacated, and it was still showing we owe for next month.

Thursday July 27, 2023 we called them again and told them we moved out on Saturday July 22, 2023 and used a “move out” link on their site indicating we vacated Tuesday July 25, 2023.

We also told them we would be filing complaints to the BBB, Florida Attorney General, Federal Trade Commission and TV Stations if they failed to send confirmation by the end of the day that we moved out and we didn’t owe anything for next month. As of  5pm EST there was no confirmation and the next month’s rent was STILL being shown as due.


We stopped by on Thursday July 27, 2023 at 4:30pm and noticed that someone put a red tag on our storage unit and other sheds so they couldn’t be opened. This proves someone inspected our shed.


On BBB’s website I found a post from someone else who experienced the EXACT same problem which they posted on BBB’s site on (07/01/2023). This proves Public Storage engages in a pattern of customer neglect / abuse.

We called them again on Friday 7-28-2023 and Saturday 7-29-2023 demanding they send us confirmation that we had moved out and demanded removal of next months bill and again, those requests were IGNORED!  I asked the customer rep on the Saturday 7-29-2023 call if they had records of all of our calls and he said they did. He said the Red Tag on our vacated unit indicated that the property manager had inspected the unit and it was available to be rented to someone else.  The rep said he would tell the property manager AGAIN to send us confirmation that records indicated we vacated our unit and owed nothing next month.

We dropped off a BLISTERING letter marked “Legal Notice” inserted in the Payment Slot in their “Kiosk”, containing the above complaint on BBB’s site about PS failing to confirm Move Outs and failing to cancel future payments, proving they engage in customer neglect / abuse. We told him in the letter, we already filed complaints to the BBB and would be filling complaints to Public Storage Corporate (already sent), the Florida Attorney Generals Office, the California Attorney Generals Office, the United States Federal Trade Commission, TV Networks and other Consumer Protection agencies about their irresponsible conduct.


It’s an outrage that Public Storage doesn’t have an office where customers can walk in and talk with a manager, like they had when Neighborhood Storage owned it. Instead, they walled up the office and put this “Kiosk” in so they don’t have to deal with customers outrage over their BULLSHIT.

It’s an outrage how on Public Storage website has a WORTHLESS “virtual assistant”, instead of a live human to provide assistance to customers. This is another example of PS’s lack of customer service, arrogance and total disregard for customers.

It is an outrage how all of our calls were ignored and not acted upon, and how Public Storage ignored other customer’s calls.

It’s an outrage how Public Storage buys others out, creating a monopoly so there’s little competition so they can jack up rates.


Public Storage- ALL LOCATIONS | Better Business Bureau® Profile

This organization is not BBB accredited. Storage Units in Glendale, CA. See BBB rating, reviews, complaints, & more.

There’s page after page of complaints and horror stories from tons of people about Public Storage on BBB’s complaint page at





Customers fed up with continual price hikes at self-storage facilities

Renters of storage units know that prices can fluctuate, but some customers are experiencing unexplained and continual price increases without any additional benefits.

Lots of other people are FED UP with Public Storage’s Rate Hikes.

Per the above article; “Public Storage customers are unhappy with unexplained price increases for their storage units. In the last four years, George Wagner’s monthly rate has increased four times. “It started off at $99 and $14 insurance monthly,” said George Wagner.

He then started receiving notices via email advising him of price increases. The first notice came 18 months into his lease. His rent went up by $26. Thirteen months later, it increased by another $33, bringing the total to $148. Six months later, he was told his new total would be $202, and a year later, it increased to $245 per month”.


What’s Behind Rising Storage Unit Rent? The I-Team Investigates

If you rent a storage unit, you may have noticed that your rent keeps going up. Consumers have been complaining to the I-Team about this for a few years now, saying the rent hikes are happening when they can least afford it.

Per the above article: “The I-Team has heard complaints from other struggling consumers about Public Storage. They say the company levied huge rent increases, hit them with late fees, and even threatened to auction off their belongings if they didn’t come current with their rent.

If you rent a storage unit, you may have noticed that your rent keeps going up. Consumers have been complaining to the I-Team about this for a few years now, saying the rent hikes are happening when they can least afford it.

A few years ago, Mark Smollin lost the lease on his apartment. Not sure where he was going next, he moved his belongings into a Pasadena Public Storage unit.

“I had to liquidate things I couldn’t afford to store, so I rented the smallest unit that I could,” said Smollin.

Smollin’s rent started at $108 a month, and 3½ years later, it’s gone up more than 70% – to $192. He says he told Public Storage that he can’t afford it, but they won’t help.

“I said I’m a senior, I’m going to be on a fixed income, I need to keep the cost down. But that doesn’t matter,” said Smollin.

Throughout the pandemic, the I-Team has heard complaints from other struggling consumers about Public Storage. They say the company levied huge rent increases, hit them with late fees, and even threatened to auction off their belongings if they didn’t come current with their rent.

While you’re protected by law against some of these actions when renting a residential unit, like an apartment, there are no protections when renting a storage unit. That’s because the industry isn’t regulated; no one’s watching what goes on, so they raise rents because they can”.


Former Employees Say Public Storage Forces Bad Insurance On Customers

Former Public Storage employees say regional managers received bonuses when the company’s insurance was sold to customers


How Self Storage Thrives Off The American Dream



Public Storage Wants to STEAL YOUR STUFF!

Per the above article:  “Class Action Lawsuit Launched Against Public Storage for “False Advertising” and Violations of California Consumer Laws.

In our last article we told you about the tragic case of David Goldner, an L.A. artist whose life’s work was irretrievably auctioned off by the treasure-hunting pirates at Public Storage. Here’s a class-action lawsuit that has been filed on behalf of all Californians who have been defrauded or otherwise abused by the Poblic Storage crinimals”.


No Title

No Description


Stop Public Storage from “Price Gouging” their customers

Sign the Petition

Public Storage gouges their customers with unethical rent increase practices . This has caused families during these tough economic times to have their property either held hostage or sold .

Per the above petition: “Public Storage gouges their customers with unethical rent increase practices . This has caused families during these tough economic times to have their property either held hostage or sold . In the name of flexible month to month rental opportunity, they take advantages of their customer’s need to store property after unfortunate personal events in their life such as evictions ,rising cost of living ,and homelessness . Unfortunately Public Storage’s actions have impacted vulnerable people like Seniors and students . Public Storage rent increases are as high as 100% in a short matter of time. Theses practices are currently allowed within the State laws of California . Our objective is to bring these unfortunate gouging practices to the attention of The California State Attorney General, also the California State legislative process, with the effort to change/amend the “California Self-Service Storage Facility Act.” . We hope to help Public Storage be economically fair to their customers to students and to seniors . Please sign this petition and share . Please of help us change these legal but unethical practices“.  CLICK HERE TO SIGN


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