Malls & Shopping Centers

Where’s the Refund from FootSmart in Memphis, TN

Around 8/22/2012 I received 2 Exform night splints to try and I paid by American Express. Didn’t like so Sept.7 2012 my social worker helped me send back. She lost the receipt and I do not remember any kind of a send back sales receipt.

FootSmart in Memphis, TN owes me 156.48 but don’t care. There going to loose customers but don’t care. Customers come first I know they have a big insurance agency. They don’t even care to compromise and mail me 1/2 that back.

Hits: 421

Star Batt Inc. ,Rochester Hills, MI Complaint

May 3rd and 4th, Overnight rain and storms May 3rd. Morning of May 4th entered front lobby to more roof leakage and flooding on floors. HVAC also flooded AGAIN and not working. Still no progress with these issues and no attempt to provide us with documented repairs or any documentation showing status and condition of both roof and HVAC unit due to flooding.

Emailed Star Batt on Friday morning May 4th about more leakage and only response was “we forwarded your email to Marc”. No response 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th or even an on-site evaluation of these issues shows the absolute lack of concern for the safety of our customers. Customers of which all day of 5/4/2012 had to endure the overwhelming odor of electrical burning from the flooded HVAC unit then on May 7th had more rain and more leaks. They continue to jeopardize the progression of our business and fail to follow the last court settlement agreement to investigate and repair any leakage. The recent roof leakage (5/3/-5/4/2012) and flooding of our lobby and the continuous flooding of the HVAC unit has finally caused it’s complete breakdown, major damage to the hardwood flooring causing possible mold. From the beginning of our lease these issues have impeded our plans to complete our lobby, as we have made them well aware of these issues over the past 2 years now (the entirety of our lease).

Response from Star Batt on May 8th – “The HVAC technician said the unit is not fixable and needs to be replaced and is the probable cause of your leaking problem! The quote he gave me is $6800. Your portion of the expense is spelled out in Paragraph 27 of your lease. We are ready to move forward on our end and have the unit installed ASAP. I will need your portion up front. If this is not possible, I would also be willing to increase your monthly rent over the term of the lease to move this along more quickly.”

So now you can clearly see that since the HVAC unit is completely broke down, Star Batt Inc is claiming the leaking is now our problem. Really! Even after continuously explaining to them that only when it storms there is roof leakage in our lobby and flooding of the HVAC and ducts. We are just stunned and at a loss of words anymore at this point. If this isn’t the true meaning of slumlord I just don’t know what is!

Hits: 420