Instructions & Rules
Please view the video above for instructions on how to post reviews on this site
IMPORTANT: You MUST use a username and password with NO SPACES between characters;
CORRECT: username1111 / password1234
NOT CORRECT: username 1111 / password 1234
If you use spaces in your username or password, you may have problems creating your account & logging in.
If you want a username with a space you must use a _ underscore like this; username_1111 / password_1234
If you don’t currently have an account you must first register to submit an article / review. Click here to register
If you already have an account, Click here to log in
- Articles submitted to this site must contain at least 150 words. If you want to submit short complaints, please submit to
- Articles must be review or complaint oriented and not promoting a product, business or service which you own or are associated with.
- Articles about racism, violence, sex, gambling will not be accepted.
- Users who post links on this site for the purpose of gaining back-links will be banned
- Any type of abusive conduct will result in your account being deleted and your IP address banned.
- SPAM REGISTRATIONS. Accounts registered with no posts within 24 hours of registration will be considered a spam registration and will be deleted.
- We reserve the right to not publish or delete any account and article or response to an article without a reason or justification
- We reserve the right to change rules & policies at any time, without notice
Hits: 2997