
Ocala, FL Criminalizes Homeless People Sleeping Outside

(This is someone’s son, brother and/or father. In the richest country on this planet, we can do better than this!)

The City of Ocala, FL is now punishing poor homelessness people for sleeping or resting outdoors with arrests and fines, says an article published by the ALCU.

The article (below) claims more than 200 homeless persons have been arrested for sleeping or resting on sidewalks and other outdoor areas.  The city’s open lodging ordinance criminalizes sleeping outside in all public areas of the city only if the person reports being homeless, while allowing others to sleep outside.

Advocacy groups sue city of Ocala for enforcement of local ordinances that criminalize sleeping or resting outdoors only for people experiencing homelessness

The Southern Legal Counsel, ACLU of Florida, and pro bono attorney Andy Pozzuto filed filed a federal class action lawsuit against the city of Ocala on behalf of more than 200 other similarly situated homeless persons who have been arrested for sleeping or resting in public areas.

Here’s some excerpts from the article…

“The city of Ocala has adopted and enforced unconstitutional ordinances as part of a deliberate campaign of arresting people in a broken-windows policing strategy called ‘Operation Street Sweeper’,” said Kirsten Anderson, litigation director for Southern Legal Counsel. “With Ocala Mayor Kent Guinn’s public endorsement, the city has been systematically enforcing its open lodging ordinance to make hundreds of arrests, imposing excessive fees and fines, as well as lengthy jail sentences.”

One plaintiff has spent 148 nights in jail and been assessed a total of $3,690.50 in fines and court costs imposed for 10 counts of open lodging, according to the complaint.

Filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, the lawsuit challenges the city’s use of police practices and arrests under unconstitutional ordinances and policies to criminalize people experiencing homelessness for engaging in necessary, life-sustaining conduct essential to survival.

“Ocala’s ordinance against sleeping outside explicitly targets and discriminates against homeless people. It allows you to sleep outside if you have a home, but not if you are homeless,” said Jacqueline Azis, a staff attorney with the ACLU of Florida. “It is unconstitutional to punish homeless people for resting or sleeping when they have no alternative. It is even worse that the city has deliberately chosen to punish only people who are homeless for sleeping outside.”

The lawsuit alleges that the city’s enforcement of its open lodging ordinance unlawfully criminalizes homelessness in violation of the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and infringes on the plaintiffs’ and class members’ rights to due process. It also alleges violations of the Equal Protection Clause and the Florida constitutional right to intrastate travel, based on the city’s policies of targeting and arresting homeless individuals with intention of driving them from Ocala.

The city is also issuing trespass exclusion orders, permanently banning homeless people from public squares and parks and making their mere presence in public a crime.

“These are people who need support, housing, jobs, and services,” said Chelsea Dunn, an attorney with Southern Legal Counsel. “Instead, they are caught in a seemingly never-ending cycle of jail, debt, and other collateral consequences. The city of Ocala needs to provide adequate shelter and social services instead of trying to solve homelessness through arrests and harassment.”

Financial support for the suit has been provided through a grant by the Impact Fund.

A copy of the complaint can be found here:

And let’s not forget how members of the Ocala City Council voted to KILL our ducks in the Park in 2010.

And how they voted to continue to Fluoridate our Water, causing many of us to have to go out and buy non-fluoridated water.



Hits: 839

Ocala City Water Should Be Fluoride FREE

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose Water Fluoridation

Reason #1 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: Fluoridation is a violation of the individual’s right to informed consent to medication. Within a community water supply, fluoride is being added to the water of everyone, even if some people do not want it and still others do not even know about the fluoride being added to the water or about its health risks. Informed consumer consent is needed for water fluoridation, especially because of the alarming lack of safety for this chemical and its health risks.

Reason #2 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. Fluoride is not a required component for human growth and development. In fact, fluoride has been recognized as one of 12 industrial chemicals known to cause developmental neurotoxicity in human beings. Researchers have repeatedly challenged the alleged safety and effectiveness of fluoride.

Reason #3 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: Hundreds of research articles published over the past several decades have demonstrated potential harm to humans from fluoride at various levels of exposure, including levels currently deemed as safe. Fluoride is known to impact the cardiovascular, central nervous, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, renal, respiratory, and skeletal systems, and exposure to fluoride has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, infertility, and many other adverse health outcomes, including fluoride toxicity.

Reason #4 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: People are now exposed to fluoride from an array of sources. Since water fluoridation began in 1940s, an array of products containing fluoride have been introduced to the average consumer including water, dental products, pesticides, fluoride supplements, other prescription drugs, and many other sources. There is no current accurate estimate of just how much fluoride people are taking in from all of these sources. However, dental fluorosis is recognized as the first visible sign of fluoride toxicity. It is likewise a warning signal of the human health risks associated with fluoride exposure. According to 2010 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 23% of Americans aged 6-49 and 41% of children aged 12-15 exhibit fluorosis to some degree


Reason #5 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: A “one dose fits all” level is unacceptable. Susceptible populations with low body weights, such as infants and children, and individuals who consume increased amounts of water, such as athletes, military personnel, outdoor laborers, and those with diabetes or kidney dysfunction, can be more intensely effected by fluoride. Additionally, fluoride is also known to impact each individual differently based on allergies, nutrient deficiencies, genetic factors, and other variables. Notably, a bottle-fed baby in a fluoridated area gets up to 200 times more fluoride than a breast-fed baby, resulting in an increased risk of dental fluorosis and other adverse effects.

Reason #6 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: There is not a wide-spread understanding about how fluoride interacts with other chemicals. This issue is crucial to understanding risks of artificial water fluoridation, as the multiple chemicals to which we are exposed to can produce distinct reactions and interactions. For example, the fluoride added to many water supplies attracts lead, which can be found in certain plumbing pipes. Likely because of this affinity for lead, fluoride has been linked to higher blood lead levels in children.

Reason #7 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: Does it even work to prevent tooth decay? The trend of decreased decayed, missing, and filled teeth over the past several decades has occurred both in countries with and without the systemic application of fluoridated water. This suggests that increased access to preventative hygiene services and more awareness of the detrimental effects of sugar are responsible for these improvements in dental health. Research has also documented decreases of tooth decay in communities that have discontinued water fluoridation. Even proponents of fluoride have suggested that fluoride primarily works to reduce tooth decay topically (i.e. scrubbing it directly onto to teeth with a toothbrush), as opposed to systemically (i.e. drinking or ingesting fluoride through water or other means).

Reason #8 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: Ethical questions have been raised in regard to the use of fluoride, especially because of fluoride’s ties to the phosphate fertilizer and dental industries. Furthermore, researchers have reported difficulties with getting articles published that are critical of fluoride, and an urgent need for an appropriate application of the precautionary principle (i.e. first, do no harm) related to fluoride usage has emerged.

Reason #9 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: Fluoridation discriminates against those with low incomes. Research has indicated that fluoride does not aid in preventing pit and fissure decay (which is the most prevalent form of tooth decay in the U.S.) or in preventing baby bottle tooth decay (which is prevalent in poor communities). Also, research has suggested that in malnourished children and individuals of lower socio-economic status, fluoride can actually increase the risk of dental caries due to calcium depletion and other circumstances. Moreover, people on low incomes are least able to afford avoidance measures (reverse osmosis or bottled water) or medical and dental treatment for dental fluorosis and other fluoride-related ailments.

Reason #10 to Oppose Water Fluoridation: It also poses threats to animals (pets and wildlife), as well as the environment at large. Animals are exposed to fluoride in the environment through pollution of air, water, soil, and food. It is important to consider their overall fluoride exposure as a result of each of these sources. Harmful effects of fluoride, including species vulnerability, have been reported in an array of wild animals. Even domestic pets have been subjects of reports raising concerns about fluoride exposure, especially through their water and food.



53 Studies Linked Fluoride with Reduced IQ in Children

According to an article posted at; “As of June 2018, a total of 60 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence, and over 40 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and learning/memory in animals. Of these investigations, 53 studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ in humans, while 45 animal studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are based on IQ examinations of over 15,000 children, provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain“. CLICK HERE to view the full article


Toxic chemical 1,4-dioxane tainted Central Florida tap water

Toxic Secret: Mystery surrounds for how long and at what levels the chemical 1,4-dioxane has been in the water of Lake Mary, Sanford and Seminole utilities pumped from the Floridan aquifer.


By chance, I came across the above article on the internet on July 10, 2019 about the City of Ocala considering ending Fluoridating the Water.

The article stated despite multiple residents expressing their desire to see the city of Ocala end its fluoridation practices, members of the City Council voted unanimously to continue Fluoridating the Water. Click here to view the article

After finding that article, I found another one posted at the Ocala Star Banner from June 4, 2019; “Fluoride Here to Stay in Ocala Water“.

Here’s an excerpt from the article…

“In April, the city introduced a measure which would end fluoridation, but a groundswell of local medical and dental professionals against the idea caused city staff to backpedal.

Instead of ending fluoridation, the ordinance now ties the level of fluoridation to what the state requires and the Florida Department of Health recommends.

The issue came up because the previous ordinance, which dates to the 1950s, set the level of fluoridation at 1 milligram per liter of water. The DOH recommends 0.7 milligrams per liter. While the city was following the DOH recommendations all along, they were technically breaking their own law.

Fluoridation of community drinking water in the United States began in the 1940s as a way to reduce tooth decay. Today, the majority of public water supplies get fluoridated to 0.7 milligrams per liter, the optimal amount considered effective for preventing tooth decay“. Click here to view the full article

I was not notified about public hearings or given any notification what-so-ever about this important issue. Like most people, I don’t watch local TV news or read newspapers.

Apparently that was the case for about everyone in Ocala because according to the above article, hardly anyone showed up to voice their opinion, so the City Council went ahead and voted to continue putting Fluoride in our water.

I’m on the City of Ocala email list and I don’t recall receiving ANY notice about this.

Here’s a email I received from the City of Ocala about a closure. They send these type of notices all the time, including notices about special events.

If they can send out notices like the one above, they SHOULD have sent out emails to everyone on their list to give citizens the opportunity to express their opinion about ending Fluoridation.

They should have also sent out notices by mail separately and with the Water / Electric Bill, and posted public notices all over town about getting citizens opinions about Fluoridating the Water in Ocala. This is a very important issue.

Since they didn’t do these things, citizens were NOT given Adequate Notice to express their wishes to END Fluoridation in Ocala, so the will of the people has not been represented.

There’s tons of videos and info which shows Fluoridation is HARMFUL like below;

Ralph Nader on Water Fluoridation


Fluoride in Your Tap Water is Industrial Toxic Waste


The Fluoride Deception


Fluoride and The Pineal Gland


Bizarre USA Fluoride History (FULL Documentary)


Fluoride: Poison On Tap – Full Documentary

As you can see, there’s compelling information which has been around for a long time which shows Municipal Water Fluoridation may be harmful to our health. As such, I feel it was very irresponsible for the City Council to re-authorize Fluoridating the Water in Ocala.

I don’t trust any assurances from government officials or special interest organizations such as the American Dental Association that Fluoridating our water is safe. Consumers been told many conflicting things over the years by so called “Medical Professionals” who’s opinions on the use of medicines, foods, products and chemicals vary from being safe to harmful. Most people would agree that our government doesn’t always make the right or best decisions or decisions which are in citizens best interest. Many decisions which affect the public are influenced by Special Interest Lobbyists and BIG MONEY Corporations.

There are clear warnings on tubes of tooth paste not to swallow it so it’s common sense we shouldn’t be swallowing Fluoride.

I think there is WAY too many chemicals in everything we eat and drink already, so I’m not taking any chances with my families health by drinking water with Fluoride in it. Also, Ocala Water sometimes has a horrible chemical smell & taste.

Fluoride in the city water costs my family money and is an inconvenience because we have to go out and buy drinking water EVERY WEEK. The same is true for millions families all over the United States who don’t want unnecessary chemicals in their water.

Per the Ocala-News article, a citizen who is against Fluoridation stated to the City Council, “Dunnellon doesn’t fluoride… Palatka doesn’t do fluoridation… Big cities like West Palm Beach don’t do fluoridation… Boca Raton doesn’t fluoride its water. Lots of cities across the country, in fact, all of western Europe no longer fluoridates their water”.

We live by one of the largest natural springs in Florida. It’s ridiculous that our water is being POISONED with unnecessary chemicals (IMO).

Citizens in Ocala should have the final say as to weather Fluoride is put in their water or not by either putting the issue on the 2019 ballot for a vote OR based on signatures of our petition.


If they do nothing to correct the mistake they made by failing to give Ocala Citizens Adequate Notice about ending Fluoridation and refuse to consider the wishes of those who sign the petition and/or fail put this issue on the ballot for a vote, I think Legal action should to be taken.

As stated in the top article above; “Fluoridation is a violation of the individual’s right to informed consent to medication. Within a community water supply, fluoride is being added to the water of everyone, even if some people do not want it and still others do not even know about the fluoride being added to the water or about its health risks. Informed consumer consent is needed for water fluoridation, especially because of the alarming lack of safety for this chemical and its health risks”.

I also think every member of the Ocala City Council who refuses to change their mind should be voted out of office and Fluoridation should be made into a campaign issue to vote them out.

If you agree that you want Fluoridation stopped and/or there needs to be a vote on this matter, CLICK HERE to contact the Mayor and Ocala City Council to tell them what you think

Please share this article with family and friends in Ocala using the FB & Twitter share buttons below.

Here’s a copy the link to this article;

If your an attorney who may be interested in filing a Class Action Lawsuit against the City of Ocala on behalf of Ocala Citizens to have Fluoridation ended, CLICK HERE to contact the writer of this article.



Ocala backs off plan to stop fluoridation of city tap water

Community health agencies, local dentists and national dental health advocates voiced concerns over the plan to stop. The City of Ocala this week backed off a recommendation to stop fluoridation of community tap water after an outpouring of support in favor of the practice. Sean Lanier, the city’s director of engineering and water resources, said…



Hits: 769

No Change Given at Florida Suncoast Turnpike Toll Booths

On Friday April 14, 2017 I traveled from Ocala to Oviedo FL to look at a Player Piano listed on Craigslist on Freedom Trail in Oviedo, FL

I took the FL-434 EXIT 44 around 1PM on April 14, 2017 and was shocked to find there were only 2 choices to pay; a E-Pass or exact change which I didn’t have, and didn’t know would be required.  The toll was $1.00.  So the only way to get off of the freeway was to go through the toll without paying.

There were cameras & threatening notices stating that anyone who failed to pay the toll would be fined $100.

After looking at the piano, I headed back to the 417 freeway at about 1:30PM and again found exact change was required at entrance 41 (not sure if this is the exact exit / entrance number) to get back on the 417 freeway from Oviedo. The toll was 75 cents.

I have NEVER ran through a toll booth without paying in my entire life. I am a law abiding citizen and I resent being put in a situation were I have to violate laws in order to get off and on a freeway and face the possibility of receiving violation notices.

At the entrance of SR 417 in Oviedo, there were envelopes with instructions telling you to mail in the 75 cent payment.  On April 17, 2017 I sent 2 checks, one for 75 cents and the other for $1.00 to the address they gave;

Florida Turnpike
P.O. Box 310
Ocoee, FL 34761-3010

For several days this week, I checked to see if the checks had been cashed and as of today’s date, April 27, 2017 they had not, thereby increasing the chance that I will be tagged as a “violator” and would receive a “violation” notice in the mail.

I was so furious about the entire ordeal that called the Florida Department of Transportation and asked to speak to a supervisor.  The supervisor contacted someone at the Florida Turnpike Ocoee, FL office and that person then called me and told me she found my checks. In our conversation, I learned that it can take up to 3 weeks for them to process payments because they are backed up for weeks due to all of the mail-ins they get from people who don’t have the exact change.

UPDATE: Even though the lady stated that she found my checks, as of 5/2/17 they STILL have not cleared my checking account which means they have not credited me for having paid these tolls.

One of the ladies I talked with told me they only charge the $100 fine against repeat violators. That tells me that anytime you drive through a toll without paying, it appears your put on a “violators list”.

It is an outrage that change isn’t being given at ALL tollbooths in Florida.  Orlando is an international city where people from all over the world come.  They have no way of knowing there’s toll booths where you must have exact change or become a law breaker by driving though without paying.

It is the height of incompetency,  bad management and complacency that such a situation exists in the first place and has been allowed to continue with no end in sight with no plans by anyone to fix it.

They have change machines at laundry mats & car washes so they  should provide change at all of their tollbooths. With all the tolls they rake in everyday, they dam well can afford to have change machines or pay attendants to give change

Here’s a page about missed tolls –

More complaints about Florida tolls here;

Hits: 1204

10 Year Old Boy With Autism Arrested at Florida School

ABC News Video title: Uproar over arrest of 10-year-old boy with autism


John Haygood, a 10 year old autistic student at Okeechobee Achievement Academy in Okeechobee, Florida, was arrested at the school last for felony battery against a paraprofessional in an October incident, allegedly punching and kicking his paraprofessional, which left scratches and marks, according to an incident report from the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office.

The incident occurred after John was being disruptive in class, throwing paper balls around the classroom and hitting other students, the report said. His paraprofessional asked him to go to time out. When John refused, the paraprofessional attempted to remove him, and that’s when John attacked, the report said.

10-year-old with autism arrested at Florida school | CNN

When John Haygood, a 10-year-old boy with autism, was arrested last week at a school in Florida, he kept repeating that he didn’t know what was happening, as seen in shaky cellphone video taken by his mother. “I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t understand,” he cried out.

Hits: 522