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BusinessReporter.net is a free forum where people posts reviews & opinions about businesses, government and politics. As such, it doesn’t make one cent in income, so if your looking to sue for some reason, there’s no way you could get one cent because the site owner is also Judgement Proof.
Defamation claims have repeatedly been dismissed as courts reaffirm that opinions are constitutionally protected and reaffirmed opinions as a valid defense to individuals or organizations sued for libel.
Case law has also established that sites like BusinessReporter.net is not legally responsible for comments & articles posted, even if those comments & articles contain remarks that are defamatory. For more information on laws limiting the liability of remarks posted on sites by third parties, please visit these web sites; http://www4.law.cornell | http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com
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Other relevant factors involving liable includes the burden of proof that actual damages were suffered as a result of statements made.
Above is a screen shot of the Alexa ranking for BusinessReporter.net taken on 3/30/2020. Any competent attorney should understand what this means in terms of audience reach (or lack thereof).
Since this is a free site where people can post their opinions, is not legally responsible for comments posted (per established case law), is protected by Freedom of Speech and reaches a very small audience, damages from any statement made on this site would be impossible to prove. Therefore, any attempt by to sue the owner of this site would clearly be “Legal Harassment”.
If an attorney were to attempt to take legal action regarding content on this site, owner would have grounds to counter-sue and file complaints to the Bar Association of the opposing Attorney(s) and their law firm.
Attorneys are available to defend Freedom of Speech for free. American Civil Liberties Union and Civil Rights Attorneys have offered free legal services to protect and defend Freedom of Speech. Organizations such as Geller Law Group and Protect Democracy have offered legal services “dedicated to preventing our democracy from declining into a more authoritarian form of government.”
The response to any lawsuit threat would be to file complaints to the Bar Association of the law firm of the attorney who sends a legal notice and counter sue originator of the lawsuit, the law firm & attorney for Legal Harassment, Freedom of Speech Infringement and include other complaints which my Attorneys would deem appropriate and seek millions in damages.
Owner would put together a “Dream Team” of volunteer attorneys from the ACLU, Civil Rights Attorneys and Democratic organizations to aggressively go after anyone who harasses site owner. We would make the case a “Crusade to Defend Freedom of Speech“.
Owner would research past & current lawsuits of anyone who tries to bring action and use past and current opposing litigants witnesses to testify.
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