Coronavirus Symptoms, How Far a Cough or Sneeze Travels & More

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Coronavirus explained through 3D Medical Animation


Dr. Zeke Emanuel explains coronavirus. (Animation by Kurzgesagt In a Nutshell)




What Coronavirus Symptoms Look Like, Day By Day


Why 6 Feet May Not Be Enough To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

You may not realize just how far tiny particles can travel in the air when you sneeze, cough, or even talk. NBC’s Kerry Sanders takes an in-depth look at the science behind the 6-foot social distancing rule.


How Long does the Coronavirus Live on Surfaces?


How long can coronavirus stay “alive” in the air?


How can you treat symptoms of coronavirus and when should you be tested?

Ali Velshi and a panel of experts discuss what ways you can treat the symptoms of coronavirus and when you should think about getting tested


What to do if you think a family member has coronavirus

Dr. Nahid Bhadelia explains what you need to know if you think someone in your home may have contracted the coronavirus


The bizarre COVID side effect no one is talking about

A subset of COVID survivors are suffering from an unexpected side effect known as parosmia, a condition that causes their sense of smell to go haywire. Coffee smells like sewage and chicken smells like rotting garbage. Yara set out to learn how COVID is doing this to people, and what life is like when you smell and taste all the wrong things with no end in sight.


If you think you had COVID-19, how long should you self-isolate?


How To Wear Face Masks Properly, And How To Clean Them


How To Disinfect Your Home When Cleaning Products Are Sold Out

With cleaning products flying off store shelves during the coronavirus spread, people are searching for alternative ways to disinfect their homes and offices. Medical contributor Dr. Natalie Azar offers explains which household items can be used to make your own cleaning solutions, with guidance from the CDC website.


Here’s the treatment President Trump got for Covid-19, which is supposed to be the best available.


Coronavirus ‘Achilles’ heel’ may have been found, experts say

The coronavirus pandemic has ravaged the majority of the world, upending nearly every facet of life, as researchers race to find a cure. However, a newly published study suggests researchers may have found what’s been described as its “Achilles’ heel.”

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