Chawla Escort Services

Chawla’s PDM Escort Service, which offers companionship from Indian ladies to formal parties, dances and (in my case) 20th High School Class Reunions is a very deceitful organization.  I spoke with Ash Chawla and reserved my escort to the North Royalton 20 year reunion and paid over the phone with a credit card via Irene Jurca, his secretary at 440-871-1721.  The escort was scheduled to arrive at 6:30 PM and as of 8:00 she had not done so. When I contacted Ms. Jurca again at 8:15 she responded saying that the reservation had never been confirmed!

3 MONTHS LATER MY CREDIT CARD HAS STILL NOT BEEN CREDITED FOR THE $350 THAT I WAS CHARGED.  I would advise anyone using PDM’s Escort Service in Westlake, OH to tread very lightly before surrendering your credit card

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