Calls from 607-638-0215, 239-544-9122 & 419-557-9850

Unsolicited calls from 607-638-0215, 239-544-9122, 419-557-9850 and other numbers. Calls were placed within minutes of each other so it was therefore easy to tell that it was from the same caller who had access to lots of different outgoing phone numbers or was using computer generated fake numbers.

I never answer calls from unknown callers. I called them back using SKYPE which is an ideal service to use to investigate scam calls because they show up on the receiver’s caller ID as “Restricted” with no phone numbers so the scammer can’t call you back and doesn’t know who’s calling.

I got the same message when calling each number…


(CAUTION: advise against calling the above numbers)

If you received similar calls and know what the object of these calls are about, please post you comments below



Telemarketing companies violate Do-No-Call Laws with impunity using VOIP Caller ID Spoofing… also called “Neighbor Spoofing”.

They use computer generated numbers which are in your area code… which appear to be local and cannot be called back. If you try calling the number back you get a message saying “Sorry, the number you have reached is not in service”. So most of the time, you can’t even report these rouge Telemarketing companies… and our Government is doing nothing about it.


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